ERASMUS - Equity and Inclusion Strategy

Equity and Inclusion Strategy

The European Commission, via the Erasmus+ Program, aims to secure equal opportunities for all participants (students/staff), regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, physical and mental disabilities, socioeconomic background etc.


The anthropocentric approach of the AUCY is reflected through its inclusion strategy raising multicultural awareness and a stronger sense of European identity among participants. AUCY highly acknowledges the significance of non-discrimination, transparency and inclusion in all procedures encompassing the selection of mobile students and staff. The Erasmus+ Committee is responsible for ensuring that all grants are awarded in a fair, transparent and coherent way across objective and academic criteria (i.e. academic performance, language skills, prior participation in the Program).


AUCY encourages mobility opportunities for both students and staff regardless of race, gender, sexual orientation, physical and mental disabilities, socioeconomic background etc. as the institution acknowledges that everyone can be qualified to participate in the Erasmus+ program. Special attention is given to participants with fewer opportunities due to various barriers (i.e. economic barriers, disabilities, health problems, cultural differences, lower socio-economic backgrounds etc.) which may hinder their participation. The University considers any support needed such as extra funding through the National Agency, individualized counselling for extra support at all times, tutoring sessions for assistance regarding their courses, teaching approaches to meet their needs, extra time during exams etc. All procedures (before, during and after the mobility) are strictly followed addressing transparency and inclusion.


Application Procedure:
Students interested in getting additional support must provide the following documents to the International Relations Office ([email protected]) along with their application:

· A request letter for additional support

· A doctor’s letter explaining the participant’s health condition for which additional support is requested

· A detailed estimation of the costs while participating in the Programme


For more information:

· European Commission for inclusion of students/staff with disabilities:

· National Agency information on inclusion:

· National Agency-Application for additional funding: