Certification Courses – Languages – Greek

Certified Greek Course for Adults Level A1 (Beginner)


The candidates will learn the alphabet and how to introduce themselves and others, as well as ask and answer questions about their life .Furthermore, throughout this course, a combination of basic communicational and grammatical structures will be covered. The main topics of this course are about home, work, family, daily routine, food, likes and dislikes. 

This course corresponds to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) used for language course design. The activities to be incorporated in the course will be highly motivational, designed and selected based on students’ needs and interests. The pedagogical approach adopted will enhance autonomous learning which will engage learners in the learning process and experience. Learners will have continuous feedback from the instructors as a means of identifying areas which need further improvement. Learners will be assessed based on various assessment methods which include in-class discussions, group work, homework, quizzes as well as the formal final assessment upon course completion.


A total of Fourteen (14) weeks (56 hours) per semester.



Upon completion of this certification, candidates will be able to comprehend and use common expressions in order to be able to communicate in everyday situations. Candidates are expected to interact in a simple way, since they will learn 

Certified Greek Course for Adults Level A2 (Elementary)


The candidates will practise their speaking, writing, listening and reading skills with their teacher and their classmates using their books and applications. Throughout this course, the candidates will enrich their vocabulary and become more familiar with communicational and grammatical structures. The main topics of this course are about everyday activities, family, friends, life events, holidays and more.

This course corresponds to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) used for language course design. The activities to be incorporated in the course will be highly motivational, designed and selected based on students’ needs and interests. The pedagogical approach adopted will enhance autonomous learning which will engage learners in the learning process and experience. Learners will have continuous feedback from the instructors as a means of identifying areas which need further improvement. Learners will be assessed based on various assessment methods which include in-class discussions, group work, homework, quizzes as well as the formal final assessment upon course completion.



COURSE DURATION: A total of Fourteen (14) weeks (56 hours) per semester. 



Upon completion of this certification, candidates are expected to interact in a simple way since they will be able to ask and give information about themselves, their families, their jobs and their everyday activities.


Certified Greek Course for Adults Level B1 (Intermediate)



The Candidates of this level can function autonomously and effectively in ordinary communication situations. However, this autonomy depends to a significant extent on the goodwill of his interlocutor.


This course corresponds to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) used for language course design. The activities to be incorporated into the course will be highly motivational, designed, and selected based on students’ needs and interests. The pedagogical approach adopted will enhance autonomous learning which will engage learners in the learning process and experience. Learners will have continuous feedback from the instructors as a means of identifying areas that need further improvement. Learners will be assessed based on various assessment methods which include in-class discussions, group work, homework, quizzes as well as the formal final assessment upon course completion.



COURSE DURATION: A total of Fourteen (14) weeks (56 hours) per semester.



Upon completion of this certification, learners are expected to be able to respond linguistically to situations of immediate daily transactions. (i.e. everyday interactions, workplace interactions). In indirect communication situations, speakers must be able to understand the essence and certain details of an oral or written text.

Certified Greek Course for Adults Level B2 (Upper Intermediate)



The Candidates of this level go a little further than being linguistically self-sufficient, correcting any deviations, and developing a capacity for continuous speech.


This course corresponds to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) used for language course design. The activities to be incorporated into the course will be highly motivational, designed, and selected based on students’ needs and interests. The pedagogical approach adopted will enhance autonomous learning which will engage learners in the learning process and experience. Learners will have continuous feedback from the instructors as a means of identifying areas that need further improvement. Learners will be assessed based on various assessment methods which include in-class discussions, group work, homework, quizzes as well as the formal final assessment upon course completion.



COURSE DURATION: A total of Fourteen (14) weeks (56 hours) per semester.



Upon completion of this certification, learners are expected to be able to use the Greek language with fluency & spontaneity, grasp the main ideas on concrete as well as abstract topics, and handle more technical topics within their area of expertise. Must produce speech with clarity and detail on a wide range of topics and explain a point of view.

Certified Greek Course for Adults Level C1 (Advanced)



The Candidates of this level is classified as a competent user. The knowledge gained from previous levels enables him to have effective operational proficiency.


This course corresponds to the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR) used for language course design. The activities to be incorporated into the course will be highly motivational, designed, and selected based on students’ needs and interests. The pedagogical approach adopted will enhance autonomous learning which will engage learners in the learning process and experience. Learners will have continuous feedback from the instructors as a means of identifying areas that need further improvement. Learners will be assessed based on various assessment methods which include in-class discussions, group work, homework, quizzes as well as the formal final assessment upon course completion.



COURSE DURATION: A total of Fourteen (14) weeks (56 hours) per semester.



Upon completion of this certification, learners are expected to be able to understand any type of spoken word, able to recognize the intentions of the speaker, jokes, and interferences…, ability to read many forms and writing, including specialized articles, and scientific and literary texts, understand information and idea, and, monitor the views expressed by the author. The learners can write clear texts that include descriptions, narratives, exposition of ideas, and summaries ….. and they can take part in any discussion or conversation.