Compliance Officer and Professionals old

Compliance Officer and Professionals

Part A – General Information

  1. Course Title: A Practical Approach for Essential Compliance Officer and Professionals
  1. Course Date: 7 March 2024
  2. Time & Duration: 09:00 to 12:00
  3. Course CPD’s: 3 CPD Unit Hours
  4. Language: English
  5. Delivery Mode: Online
  6. Speaker/Instructor: Nicky Xenofontos / Managing Partner N. Xenofontos LLC– it would be great if a photo could also be supported.
  7. Fees: €100 normal price / €80 for CYBAR, ICPAC members
  8. Organiser: AUCY

Part B – Course Description
  1. Aims & Objectives
    During recent years we are experiencing a rapidly changing environment with stringent Compliance rules and regulations. The Compliance professional is forced to increase the work rate to keep up with this dynamic environment. The objective of the seminar is to provide participants with an in depth understanding of the AML Directive requirements, Risk Assessment, Risk Based Approach and CDD. In addition, it will analyse software programme requirements and transaction monitoring.
  1. Learning Outcomes
    Upon completion of the workshop, participants will be able to identify the parameters and requirements they should take into consideration when it comes to AML processes and have a better understanding of the factors affecting CDD and risk assessment through the study and discussion of examples and case studies.
  2. Seminar Programme:

    08:45 – 09:00 Online Registration
    09:00 – 10:30 – Introduction
    – KYC/CDD procedures for different types of clients
    – Monitoring and identifying suspicious transactions
    – Performing AML risk assessment
    – Applying risk appetite to risk assessment – risk tolerance and risk treatment
    – Risk variables and their use for client classification
    10:30 – 10:45 Break

    11:45 – 12:15

    – Developing an AML/CTF program
    – Implementing and monitoring the AML/CTF program
    – Classifying clients as High, Medium or Low risk using a risk scoring program
    – Discussion on real money laundering cases and identifying red flag indicators – case study analysis
    12:15-12:30 Q & A Session
  3. Target Audience: Professionals in the legal, audit, accounting, fiduciary services industries.
  4. Certification: Participants will receive a Certificate of Attendance for 4 CPD Units Hours
  5. Instructor/Speaker Details/CV: XXXXXX

Part C – Registration
  1. Registration method: ideally there should be a link to an online registration form

Part D – Payment
  1. Payment Method: payment method/procedure must be stated